What there's an etiquette? Last week some of my fellow MOPS friends and I met at an awesome woman's house and she taught us all about how to be proper ladies. We had so much fun and all agreed it was a real eye-opener. So this week when my family and I had the stomach flu it got me thinking that there is an etiquette to working out while being sick. Think about it. How many times have you gone to boot camp and partnered up with someone who said "Take it easy on me I was sick all day yesterday." Most of us would wonder why they are even here or I hope I don't get it too. How about when you're at the gym and the person next to you is coughing constantly and blowing thier nose? It's really hard not to think of having to touch the same equipment. So what should you do when you are sick? If you have been running a fever or throwing up in the past 24 hours skip the workout all together. You are most likely doing your body more harm than good. I would recommend focusing on getting your body back in a healthy state and drink plenty of water. If you absolutely must workout then do some yoga or take a short walk outside. Try to avoid being around others because you still may be contagious. If you have been sick and want to workout but find that going out in pubic may not be wise. Pick a few exercises to do at home. If you are a boot camper, we did a great Burpee workout (or I call them Good Mornings) that had everyone talking for days. That workout may be a little intense so you can also pick about 10 exercise that suit you and do them for 30 minutes. You can modify the time more or less depending on your fitness level. If you need some more visuals head on over to You Tube and see some exercise I have demonstrated for you. For those that have a head cold I would say it's okay to workout. If you can do some cardio outside it may even make you breathe better. I would even say it's safe to go to the gym or boot camp. Just bring some tissues and excuse yourself if you have a coughing fit. Also be sure to wipe down your equipment after you use them. If you feel like it is a chest cold you should NOT be working out. This could make things worse for you and could spread to others. These are just a few ideas that were brought to my attention in the past few weeks. I do want to stress that you do need to get back into your fitness routine as soon as you feel better. The longer you take a break the easier it is to get out of it. Just be smart and think of others in the process!!! |